Connecting to the Open Web DB from Processing 3

// This scatch helps you to understand the basics of connecting to the Marker Soft Site. //Copy and paste. Don't forget to change the access key to yours! //The registration is free. You may use three keys to connect your devices to this network //This is the link //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String txOut=""; int dl=100; void setup(){ size(400,300); background(255,255,0); txOut=txMCWeb(); textSize(24); fill(0); text(txOut,width/2-(textWidth(txOut)/2),120); } void draw(){ background(255,255,0); if (dl<0){ txOut=txMCWeb(); dl=100; } textSize(24); fill(0); text(txOut,width/2-(textWidth(txOut)/2),120); String txOut2=""; fill(255,0,0); textSize(18); dl--; ...