This game was created several years ago as supplementary compulsory material for the basic programming course for beginners. The main instrument is Processing 3 for the course. It includes 16 basic themes: commands, variables, operators, built-in and user's functions, System API, Network and etc. Games as projects for the course make learning more interesting and help to understand deeper complicated and abstract categories. This game used to show the process of creating step by step in detail. The game appears interesting not only for the class, and then I decided to create a more complicated material based on it. So I add a server to create multiple users' game and the game which is possible to play with friends. I call the type of such games - Big Screen Game, or Croud game. Further, I will write about Big Screen Game and what has happened. Now, you may visit our page on ITCH and download 8 Game Planes for PC. Visit ITCH